Ravens attacking Broad Acre Crops
In this situation these hawks will work provided the Ravens or other birds can see the Hawk profile above them from where they are landing or as they swoop down as they fly into the crop area. All you need to do is to install the Hawks high above the areas where the birds are doing the damage or at the edge of your crop.
Usually Ravens attack the edge of your crop first. By protecting the edge of the crop you can protect the entire crop. There are some different methods that you can try. However it will also scare other birds from the area.
The Hawk Bird Scarer is non discriminatory when it comes to its power on birds. Any bird which is natural prey for the Goshawk has an inherent fear of a replica hawk. All you need to do is to install the Hawk high above the areas where the birds are a menace or doing the damage or at the edge of your crop. Usually Crows or Ravens attack the edge of your crop first. By protecting the edge of the crop you can protect the entire crop. The best method for you is to use strong fishing line or thin wire to suspend the hawk between tall trees, poles etc. You will obtain excellent results using this method. Alternatively you can spike it on the end of a long length of plastic plumbers water pipe which comes in standard 6 metre lengths.
Ravens pinching golf balls
It was quickly tried in many other situations including Ravens pinching golf balls from golf courses and practice fairways. The reason Ravens pinch the golf balls is that they think they are bird’s eggs. You will find they take the balls to a nearby tree and then drop them. In your situation these hawks will work and stop the crows from stealing Golf Balls, provided the Crows or Ravens can see the Hawk profile above them from where they are landing on the practice fairways…… All you need to do is to install your Hawks high above the area where the crows are doing the damage or at the edge of your of your golf driving range.
Usually Crows or Ravens attack from the edge. By protecting the edge you can protect the entire area.
Crows stealing eggs from poultry sheds
In these situations these hawks will work and stop the crows from stealing eggs, provided:
- the Crows or Ravens can see the Hawk profile above them from where they are landing……
- the Hawk can be positioned above the roof area or some other place so the poultry can not see the Hawk. Otherwise the poultry may become scared and go off the lay.
All you need to do is to install the Hawk high above the area where the crows are doing the damage or at the edge of your of your poultry yards. Usually Crows or Ravens attack from the edge. By protecting the edge you can protect the entire area. The Hawk is unique because it is a full size imitation hawk made of durable weatherproof plastic.
As birds instinctively fear the Hawk they are also scared to come within sight of the profile of this replica of a hovering Hawk. From previous customer experience in similar situations we can say that a Hawk Bird Scarer will work for you. If it doesn’t, we offer you a money back guarantee. You have everything to gain by ordering now.