In most situations these hawks will work provided the Galahs can see the Hawk profile above them from where they are landing. It must look like the Hawk is hovering high above the Galahs or use the Hawk to prevent entry into your crop.
Galahs Destroying Golf Course Greens.
Flocks of Galahs will often be a nuisance by digging up golf course greens causing enormous damage to the green. If the green has trees further away on the fairway and on the opposite side of the green you can suspend a Hawk between 3 points so that the Hawk appears to be hovering above the green. By using this method you can adjust the length of the lines to position the Hawk where ever you need the Hawk to be, and the slightest breeze will move the Hawk up and down making it even more realistic. The Hawk will work brilliantly keeping all birds off the green during daylight hours. It will even work for ducks. You must have the Hawk at least 6 metres in the air and preferably higher, many Golf Courses around Australia have used the Hawks to solve their bird problems. They have also used them to stop Cockatoos and Corellas from destroying their greens.
The Hawks were so successful that they have now had them taken down for some time without any birds returning. Telstra are also using them throughout Western and Northern Victoria to stop Galahs, Corellas and Cockatoos from damaging wiring, cables and instruments on their towers. There are three methods to install the Hawks. In brief you can either spike the Hawk on the end of a 6-metre length of 25 mm pipe and stand the hawk and pipe up on the perimeter of the green. Plumbers plastic water pipe is very good as it comes in 6 metre lengths or galvanised pipe is also worth using. Alternatively you can use strong fishing line or thin fencing wire to suspend the hawk between poles, trees or other high points around the green so the Hawks are hovering above the area to be protected. The last method is to spike the Hawk on the end of a long length of Plumbers Pipe or other such pipe and lash the pipe with the Hawk on top to a steel post driven into the ground, as per directions on the brochure.
You will obtain excellent results using any of these methods, saving you hundreds if not thousands of dollars in time and on loss of greens. The Hawk is unique because it is a full size imitation hawk made of durable weatherproof plastic. As birds instinctively fear the Hawk they are also scared to come within sight of the profile of this replica of a hovering Hawk.
Birds do not become used to the hawk’s presence. From previous customer experience in similar situations we can say that a Hawk Bird Scarer will work for you. If it doesn’t, we offer you a money-back guarantee.
You have everything to gain by ordering now. You may need a number of Hawks to solve your bird problems. One Hawk is $39.00 plus packing and postage of $9.00 a total of just $48.00. However if you purchase 2 or more Hawks then we would pay the freight. That means that the Hawks would cost you just $39.00 each.